Local City Council Votes to Advance Sanctuary City Ordinance
APRIL 7, 2017
On April 13, 2017, the Hyattsville City Council introduced and voted 8-2 to advance Ordinance 2017-02, which, if adopted, would establish the City as a sanctuary city.
The Ordinance parallels Title VII in forbidding discrimination on the basis of nationality and also forbids disparate treatment on the basis of citizenship or immigration status.
Additionally, it precludes officials and employees from: inquiring into individuals’ citizenship or immigration status, acting solely based upon an individual’s citizenship or immigration status, and using City resources to support “federal civil immigration enforcement operations or activities.” The Ordinance clarifies that the enforcement of immigration policies is a federal, rather than a local, responsibility.
In setting forth this policy, the Ordinance expressly recognizes the importance of facilitating cooperation between law enforcement officers and victims or witnesses who may be non-citizens or immigrants, and maintaining trust between the City and the community to ensure that public safety goals are satisfied.
On April 17, 2017, the City Council will vote whether to formally adopt the Ordinance.
The full text of the Ordinance is available here: http://www.hyattsville.org/DocumentCenter/View/4141