Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (Alabama)
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Investigations (NRC OI), in January and July 2009, issued two investigative reports. These reports found that the two employees at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (Alabama), operated by Tennessee Valley Authority, were discriminated against for their whistleblowing activity.
According to the Federal Register for December 30, 2009, the NRC OI “concluded that a [Senior Assessor] was discriminated against for raising concerns regarding the independence of his manager.” The NRC OI also “concluded that the [maintenance mechanic] was discriminated against for raising concerns regarding the licensee’s compliance with its Fitness for Duty program.” In response to the NRC OI investigations, TVA agreed to take various remedial measures, as set forth in the Federal Register.
Bernabei & Kabat represented one of these whistleblowers in pursuing his claims.