Democrats Call for Explanation from EPA Regarding Official’s Abrupt Administrative Leave
Director of the EPA Office of Children’s Health Protection and Bernabei & Kabat client, Dr. Ruth Etzel, was abruptly placed on paid leave without warning in September 2018. Dr. Etzel was interviewed by “CBS This Morning” about the decision to place her on leave and stated, “It’s about silencing me because I know how to protect children and I’ve got a track record of doing it for the last 35 years.”
Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland has been calling for a closer look at why exactly Dr. Etzel was placed on administrative leave. He spoke to CBS and stated, “It’s absolutely outrageous what’s happening to Dr. Etzel. Here is somebody who’s been the champion for children at the EPA, who all of a sudden without any notice, is put on administrative leave.”
To read the CBS News article regarding democrats’ response to Dr. Etzel, click here.
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