Lynne Bernabei to Discuss Whistleblower Law at D.C. Bar Conference
Lynne Bernabei will be speaking at the D.C. Bar’s CLE course, “Recent Developments in Sarbanes-Oxley, Dodd-Frank, and False Claims Act Whistleblower Retaliation and Litigation” on July 15, 2014.
This class will focus on hot topics in Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), Dodd-Frank, National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and False Claims Act whistle-blower retaliation claims, including:
*The impact of the Supreme Court’s Lawson v Fidelity decision on the scope of SOX coverage
*Whether internal disclosures are protected under Dodd-Frank
*The Labor Department’s Administration Review Board and federal court decisions on the scope of protected conduct under SOX
*The use of “purloined” documents to prove retaliation claims
*Trends in OSHA enforcement of whistleblower protection laws
*Recent decisions construing the 2009 amendments to the False Claims Act
*Extraterritorial application of SOX and Dodd-Frank
*Important distinctions in the remedies and causation standards of each of these statutes
*Implementation of the 2013 NDAA contractor whistleblower protection provisions.