The unfortunate reality is that sexual harassment still happens in the workplace, and many workers are not entirely sure what they should do. They know that the actions taken toward them are wrong, but how do they put a stop to it?Every situation is unique, but there...
Bernabei & Kabat, PLLC
Maybe hugs should stay out of the workplace
The workplace greeting has changed over the years. People have become more familiar with each other. The workplace used to be a space for handshakes and nothing else, but many workers now go a bit further, often even hugging those they feel close to.While there are...
Discrimination is not a joke
Someone makes a discriminatory comment to you at work, and you call them out on it. This is not the first time it's happened. You're tired of it. You tell them it's unacceptable and that you're going to file a complaint. What do they tell you in response?Instead of...
Workplace exclusion can constitute discrimination
Those who have been discriminated against often feel alone and isolated. They may feel as though they have done something wrong to be excluded in such a way, but it is often the case that they have been intentionally ostracized from the group.If you are feeling alone...
The definitions of different types of sexual harassment
Many people think that sexual harassment is a term reserved only for instances of forceful or abusive conduct. While unfortunately such types of behavior do occur in the workplace, sexual harassment can also occur in more subtle ways. If you are feeling uncomfortable...
D.C. Circuit issues a decision that addresses anew the tension that can arise from activity that is allegedly protected under the NLRA, when that activity also potentially creates a sexually or racially hostile work environment.
On December 31, 2019, the D.C. Circuit issued a decision that addresses anew the tension that can arise from activity that is allegedly protected under the NLRA, when that activity also potentially creates a sexually or racially hostile work environment.Here, an...
Hints that discrimination might be part of a larger problem
Have you been working for a company for years now and notice your boss overlooks you for promotions? Are you starting to wonder if it's because your education background doesn't match or if it's your skin color? Are you beginning to see patterns?If so, you could be...
Reacting to retaliation in the workplace
When an employee makes a complaint about discrimination or harassment in the workplace, they have the right to be protected from retaliation as a result. This means that they should not fear being punished in some way by their employer when their employer learns that...
Am I able to make a sexual harassment claim?
It's common for those who have had an unpleasant experience at work to wonder if they can make a sexual harassment claim. Many people worry that they will be accused of making a big deal out of nothing or be retaliated against by their employer because they took legal...
How the Whistleblower Protection Act applies to you
As a federal employee, you may witness actions that you know or believe to be wrongful or illegal. You would be doing the right thing by alerting the appropriate person or agency, such as senior management, the agency Inspector General, or Congress. However, in doing...